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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Few days off

The Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling

Found at bee mp3 search engine

I'm addicted to this song. I wind up bouncing around every time I hear it. When I get my laptop back, I'm gonna buy the CD. Not sure from where, because itunes is fucking suck and doesn't let you buy it in .mp3 format, and it's stupid.

My leg? Hurts. I haven't gone to the doctor. I did it earlier this week (or like...on Thursday, so almost a week ago now. Huh.) and it's hurting worse today than it did the day after. I'm gonna go home and wrap it, and put some ice on it. Then I have to go with my friend to pick up break pads, oil, and an oil filter for my car. Hopefully it won't take too long to get all that shit done, because I plan on popping an oxy and an ambien and passing the fuck out.

I was at 138.2. I lost .2 ounces, which is good, because I didn't do a lot at the gym because I hurt. I'm thinking today is a day off, and I'll probably take another day or two after this. I'd rather take the time off and get it healed so I can go back to really working out, than continue this half ass routine of it. I'll just have to be careful with what I eat.


  1. that makes two of us. i loooove that song! <3

    i hope you're leg gets better. goodluck!

  2. Its such a good "get pumped for a night out" song!im goin 2 see them live in oct. so excited!

    hope your leg gets beta soon!

  3. gahhh love that song :))))
    thanks for the 2 minute cardio dance workout you just gave me lol
    yay for bouncing :)))
    hehe im hyper now :D
    i hope your leg gets better!! :/
    stay strong <333

  4. not to be too competitive - but oh shit you are kicking my ass in weight loss, I better get back on track just to keep up :)

  5. excercise injuries suck. BOOOOO! hope your leg feels better soon.

    nice new layout, by the way!

  6. yes definitely girl.. heal ALL the way before you start doing anything. and start small and build up again so you dont shock the injury. you poor thing. have fun asleeping! LOL

  7. You should definitely go to the doctor so he can fix you up and you can get back to your regular routine and everybody will live skinnily ever after. Or something.

    Feel Better Sweets!

