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Sunday, May 30, 2010

I am the biggest fucking waste of breath alive.
I am such a failure.
A fat
fucking failure.
I have no right even breathe sometimes.
I'm disgusting.
I'm unclean.
I'm impure.
I'm filled with food.
I'm filled with preservatives.
I'm filled with filth.
There is nothing good about me.

Just another piece of garbage.
Another piece of fat marbled low grade meat.

I hate me so much right now.


  1. No you arent, you aren't at all <3 Tomorrow's a new day, don't let this shit get to you. Sleep on it and feel better :]

  2. Your not hun. Just remember today is a clean state. Make a good thing out of it.. forget the past. ITS ALL ABOUT WHERE YOUR GOING not where you have been!..x

  3. i am 100% on the same page as you right now.
    idk what gets into me sometimes.
    tomorrow we'll do better.
    sweet dreams Pretty Wreck

  4. You aren't.
    I dont know you, but I've read your blog, and you seem like a lovely, articulate, smart and wonderful girl. I know lots of people feel the same way!

  5. Bullshit.

    Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.


    I slap that bitch in the red shirt and hug you, because are worth more than TWICE her bodyweight in pure platinum.

    Don't let anything tell you otherwise.

  6. You have come sooooo far. The reason I even started following you (besides that fact you're random matches mine) is that your weight loss also mimics mine. My highest weight was almost 190 and it took me two years to beat it. Wasn't a pretty two years, well fuck, still isn't at time.

    I don't follow fat failures, my brain simply doesn't allow it. I follow you so you can't possibly be. Perk up pup!

  7. Yeah tomorrow will be different, you will can begin a new day with new resolutions. So don't despair. I hope you will feel better.
    * Omg fat is so horriiible ! It's motivating, thx for pics *

  8. Even if you hate yourself, it doesn't mean I hate you too. You are worth every single breath you take.
    xoxo, Melissa

  9. I feel like that almost every time I pass a mirror. I guess you feel like that, but I bet a bunch that you sure don't look it.

    P.S. Diet Coke - the bubbles make ya feel happy, if you are so inclined =]

  10. No, you aren't! You will be ok, you can do this!

  11. You're not anything you wrote there.
    You're amazing and beautiful.
    Don't ever forget that.


  12. you are what you eat - eat shit & feel like shit, right?

    start eating better and you'll feel better too, I'm sure of it.

  13. I feel the same way.

    At least we have a new month to look forward to.
    We can kick some ass and make a change.

    Stay strong dear, and think THIN.

  14. That first picture seriously looks like me right now.

    I know how you feeling (hugs)
